In Iliad, Hector was my absolute favorite character. There are countless likable qualities about him. He is very selfless and fights for the honor of his father and to protect the citizens. Achilles on the other hand, turned out to be the complete opposite of Hector. He never bothered about anyone else but himself. Even when his people were dying he stood still. The only reason he wanted to fight was for glory and he actually fought for personal revenge rather than fighting to protect his people. But as I was watching Troy, by the end I actually started perceiving Achilles differently from the book because of his involvement with Briseis. He seemed to have much more emotions than he did in the book, and that actually made me like his character. Although Hector still remained my favorite, I started liking Achilles as well. Did your perception of any of these two characters (or any other ones) change after watching the movie/reading the book? How so? Did you like them better in the book or the movie?